Journalist Asad Ali Toor arrested for posting on social media against government officials

Journalist Asad Ali Toor arrested for posting on social media against government officials
February 28, 2024

Current Affair | Politics

In Islamabad on Tuesday, journalist Asad Ali Toor was arrested, and a district and session court remanded him into the custody of the The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for five days in a case involving online social media posts about the apex judiciary.”

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) presented Asad Ali Toor before Magistrate Mohammad Shabbir’s court and requested to keep him for investigation. During this period, the court allowed the journalist to meet with his lawyer for an hour.

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During the hearing, Asad Ali Toor said, “I’m a journalist and can not hand over my phone. I went to the FIA two times, and my lawyer got the notice on February 24th.”

He said they went to a higher court about the notice. Then, on February 26, they took the court’s order to the FIA office to ask about the FIR and what he was accused of.

At the same time, Asad Ali Toor’s mother spoke to the media at the Islamabad High Court. She said she did not know why her son was arrested, and she mentioned that she was going to file a petition.

When the journalist asked, she answered, “Asad Ali Toor told me he got a notice and was leaving. However, the next day, we got another notice. We did not know Asad Ali Toor was arrested. I still don’t understand why they arrested him.”

The FIR against Asad Ali Toor claims that he conducted a harmful campaign against the judiciary on social media platforms like X and YouTube. It was mentioned that he has stirred up activities against the state using social media, and as a result, he has been charged under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016.

It is important to mention that a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) was created to look into the campaign against government officials. After that, the FIA sent a summon notice to Asad Toor. A few days ago, on February 24, another anchorperson named Imran Riaz Khan and Asad Toor were both summoned to come to the FIA Cyber Wing for the same reasons.

Both YouTubers were told to bring important documents. If they did not come, it would be thought that they did not have anything to say in their defense.

On the other hand, anchorperson Imran, who has been vocal about judges recently, was taken into custody by the Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) in a corruption case last week.

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